Monday, July 31, 2006

Blog Upkeep

I gotta tell ya -- I love this blog.

I like the idea of an on-line journal/column/venting space. I know some folks stop by to visit, read, and comment, but I have no idea how many, and that's not really the point in any event.

I, like so many other bloggers, love the idea that someone is reading my thoughts, deriving some benefit from my observations, or, at the very least, thinking about something they hadn't considered before, based on the things that I write.

But more important is the fact that I have a place to go to write, to say things, to experiment, to put things in "black-and-white" (or the functional equivalent of black and white in this electronic age).

So it is a curious thing that I find that I have such limited time to actually take advantage of this blog, despite the fact that I am the sole arbiter of what to write, when to write it, and how often I should post it. It's obviously a very important thing to me; otherwise, I wouldn't have taken the time to put so many things in it. At the same time, it's also obvious that I don't have time to devote to it every single day (much as I might like to). Sure, things happen, and I find myself thinking, "I should write about that." Only, nothing's ever so very important to me that I absolutely have to write about it today. In my mind, there's always tomorrow.

That thought, of course, will probably be the ultimate undoing of this blog, or at least will minimize the value of the entries here. I'll keep putting off until tomorrow what I could write about today, expecting that there will always be a tomorrow for me, when we all know that, eventually, we run out of tomorrows.

So what will my todays leave here? My tales about Disneyworld, and the Virgin Islands, and price gouging by gasoline retailers, and my adventures with bagless vacuum cleaners. That's not the end sum of my thoughts these days. That's just what inspired me, at any given time, to sit down and put fingers to keyboard. If nothing else, I hope it's all enjoyable, because I intend to keep up these random postings for as long as I can type.


At 4:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

David -

Are your still keeping up your askalawyer blog in addition to this. As a fellow practitioner, I find the responses to the good and not so good questions posed on that site to be knowledgable and insightful. Same for your "Musings". Have you thought about AAL as an informal marketing prospect? This blog allows you to give general observations (if not advice) and can help facilitate visitor's further questions and actions. I imagine it would be easier in some particular practices areas, specifically business law or other more 'natural' consumers of legal services.


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