Saturday, January 03, 2009

My "Glad" List for 2009

I've seen too many posts to start this year about people "wishing" for that, or "hoping" for this.....I thought an "I'm Glad For" list might be appropriate:

1. I’m glad we didn’t have macbooks, psp’s, gameboys, and dvd players when I was a kid — it helped me learn to interact with people (my parents and siblings) on long drives and on tv-free vacations, and it forced us to be creative to entertain ourselves with games like “The Alphabet Game” and “20 Questions” (which I’ve passed on to my kids).

2. I’m glad we had to sit around the table for dinner every night when I was a kid, instead of eating in front of the TV, or on the couch, because I learned how to have a conversation, how to listen, and how to behave in a restaurant.

3. I’m glad my parents didn’t overindulge me with every gift I could conceive of (not that they were in any position to do so) because it taught me how to appreciate those gifts that I did get.

4. I’m glad I had to start working at 15 in order to make enough money for my own car, car insurance, and expenses, because it taught me to appreciate my things more, and taught me responsibility.

5. I’m glad that I learned how to apologize as a kid, because it is far better to take ownership of the mistakes you make, rather than try to pin the blame on someone else.

6. I’m glad I turned out the way I am, because, while I’m not perfect by any stretch, I’m cofortable in my own skin, and in my life.


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